Friday, October 27, 2006

Task Ten: Book Research

Sherish at 5:16 AM


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Task Nine

My class blog buddy is Bushara...

...her independent study looks at the representation of women in Sex in the City

My blog buddy from the other class is Navdeep...

...her independent study is looking at "John Tucker Must Die"

Thanks for being my Blog Buddies :)

Sherish at 1:17 AM


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Task Eight

Teens in movies

Cult of celebrity

Synopsis of films

Laura Mulvey male gaze

Male gaze in film


Gender, Race and Ethnicity- on this website there is a lot of information on Islam and the media which relates as in Pretty Persuasion, one of the main girls is Muslim, so this will help me to expand my interpretation of the representation

Media Ed - There is an article on this website on "women representing women" which talks about how the gender of the director of the film can affect the representation the audience see

Media, Gender and Identity - talks about how gender is represented in todays society

BFI- On this site i found a 16+ guide on strong women. I can use this as the main protagonist in the film is seen as being strong and dominating

Useful review

Article on feminism in pretty persuasion

Article on femme fatales

Representation of youth

Female protagonists in film

Sherish at 11:18 AM


Task Seven

More Keywords....

Post Feminism
Part of the post modern perspective which takes the achievemens of feminism for granted and views it as ineffective in explaining the current condition of women and the many identity choices they face.

In this film we have pretty girls that attract the male, but they know this which makes it ok for them as it is their aim.

Teen Movie
A film directed at a target audience of teenagers and adressing their interests.

My chosen text is a teen movie

The social classification of a group of people by identifying common characteristics and universally applying them in a generalised way.

In this film we have characters that break and conform to the stereotypes that they are given

Provide models of how we see gender, social groups, individuals and aspects of the world we all inhabit.

Representation is important as my independent study is focusing on the representation of females in my chosen text

Post Modernism
'After the modern' generic variation in media texts and as a definition of cultural attitudes. They don't follow generic conventions or traditional narratives.

My chosen text is not generic or traditional

Psychological and cultural aspects of behaviour associated with masculinity or femininity, acquired through socialisation, in accordance with the expectations of a particular society.

My texts includes males and females, but they don't particularly just follow their sex in the way they behave. We have a battle of the sexes in this film during the court case

Binary Oppositions
A term used by Claude Levi-Strauss as part of his argument that narratives are structured around oppositional elements in human culture, for example, good and evil, life and death, night and day, raw and cooked.

In this text there is the battle of male and female, good and evil, family and independence and many more binary oppositions

The distinguishing elements, in terms of props and visual details, which characterize a genre.

This film is full of iconography relating to the media as the main character has an obbsession with wanting to be famous

The ability to share the emotions or piont of view of a group or individual.

Although there is no one person in the film who the audience can empathise with on a whole, during different scenes the audience are able to empathise with different characters

A marxist concept that individuals and institutions have no chioce of their behaviour because their decisions are shaped by socioeconomic content of the media

Kimberly is obbsessed by wanting to be famous so everything she does is because of what she sees on the TV

Sherish at 10:19 AM


Teen Movies

The teen movie, or 'teenpic', is a genre which exploits the teenage market as a mass audience. Variously described as 'whimsical, ephemeral and pervasive' (Martin 1994, 65), this is not a strict, enclosed genre. Ideas of what constitutes a popular culture are continually changing. In this case, the nature of the teen movie genre changes very rapidly over time and there are crossovers with neighbouring genres

French film critic Robert Benayoun once described the 'normal qualities of youth as naively, idealism, humour, hatred of tradition, erotomania (abnormally strong sexual desire), and a sense of injustice' (Martin 1994, 67). This description is very true to the teen movie, because it points to the two poles of the genre (Martin 1994), that is, at the one end, the craziness characterised by freeforall fun, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, and at the other end, the equally important innocence, uncomplicated contact with another human being, and the unformed, impossible dream of a better world tomorrow

It is worth noting the ongoing relationship between teen movies and mass culture (see 'The Contribution of POpular Culture to Social Change). Belton (1966) wrote that 'if films and filmmakers produce culture, they are also produced by it. The movies are inseparable from the society within whichthey exist; one does not produce the other; rather, each interacts with the other and they mutually determineone another'.

Sherish at 9:31 AM


Monday, October 02, 2006

Task Six

(there is some of the scene i analysed before and after this clip - this is just to get a faint idea)

Britany is asked to go up on stage and imagine she is alone in her bedroom with the door closed by her drama teacher. She then starts to undress in front of her class and starts touch herself. Then opening her eyes and realising she just embarrased herself she runs out calling her teacher a "fucking pervert" and her best friend, Kimberly also runs after her calling him a pervert too.

Sherish at 8:46 AM
